Monday, December 27, 2021

A Tiny Miscellany of Notes on Sources of Modern Russia

History With RCS, Russia: This is a tiny taste of that which we can learn


Eight tidbits:

~ Russians are greatly Slavic.
~ Varangian was a name given to Norse(Viking) who were active in the formation of the Kievan Rus.
~ Without Russians, the Allied forces may have lost WWII and WWI.
~There is strong evidence that modern humans were living on the banks of the Don by 35,000 BC.
~ There is good evidence that by 41,000 BC Denisovans and Neanderthals lived 'with' modern humans in Siberian Russia.
~ Tanis is an ancient name for the Don River.
~ Tanis was also the name of a city in the Don River delta on the sea of Azov. Tanis was a city long before the Milesians Greeks founded a trading center there in pre-Roman times.    
~ It may be well to remember that Russians were exploring what are now the US states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and much of California while others were exploring farther south in the name of the king of Spain.

A curious homo sapien might find it interesting to check out online terms
Varangian, Kievan Rus, Don River, Denisovans, Tanis City, Alaska, Milesian, and well beyond; or not.

I will write more when I know there is more interest. You can show your interest in "comments" below. You can make corrections to the content of this little post, ask questions there. If you do not want to be known, you my comment anonymously.

by Richard


Saturday, December 25, 2021

Ice Ages: we continue to gather and interpret information

Geological Time Forms an Important Part and Kind of Our History. We can call it the history of our Earth in a different language.


This talk on the geology of the last two Ice Ages can give you an interesting place to beginning your learning of geological happenings present, past and long past. You can even learn a bit about the science of gathering and interpreting information. Connect that which you know about mega fauna and dinosaurs with what you know of Ice Age.

Sunday, December 19, 2021


History With RCS: Now and then it is what it is


Isis is an asset and a source of divine power from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. She is the first daughter of Geb* and Nut.
She married her brother Osiris who I know here in Colombia. The Moors knew Isis before they knew Spain. Ave Maria!


 *Geb was first seen as a man, a man who cared for earth. His daughter and son later became highly venerated in ancient Egypt.

What has Isis become for us?

Should this piece be in Governance With RCS?





Friday, December 17, 2021

A Taste of Our Recent History

History With RCS: War and military action, just a taste of recent history

             I said I would write more about U.S. war, but am finding it difficult to do so, because I find madness difficult to deal with and we seem to have gone war mad with a kind of blood lust. I do over-react from time to time; after all its just our history. 

I offer the following list as a short list of evidence of our history. I feel it right to say that none of the countries mentioned here have invaded US:

~  2001: War on terror in Afghanistan.

~ 2002: War on terror in Afghanistan and Yemen. 
~ 2003: War on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.
~ 2004: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.
~ 2005: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.
~ 2006: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen
~ 2007: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.
2008: War on terror in  Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen. 
2009: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen,
2010: War on terror  in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen.
2011: War on terror in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia,
and Yemen; Conflict in Libya (Libyan civil war)
2012: War on terror in Afghanistan, Pakistan,  Somalia, and Yemen.
2013: War on terror in Afghanistan Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.
2014: War on terror in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. War on ISIL in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Nigeria.
2015: War on terror in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen.
2016: War on terror in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen; war on ISIL in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Nigeria. War in Afghanistan.

This is crazy. I can't stand any more right now. I could write some background about the people of the countries mentioned here If anyone were interested.

There is a place to comment below.

Let me say that it seems to me that it is not possible to make war on drugs, crime, terror, polio, or peanut butter.   I believe war is made on people.   

by Richard Sheehan


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