Thursday, December 15, 2022

Our Wars


         We do a lot of warring. The following is an introduction to some of our military activity including some of the forgotten and obscure.

                As I write our union has lasted about 244 years. I find that of those years only six have been free of war. I also find that in a great many of those years we have fought more than one war yearI our 238 years of warring many of us have been killed and we have killed many. If we do not hold the record for average number of wars per year, we may soon do so.

                The years we have not warred are 1935 through 1940 and 1897. It may well be worth while to learn more about these years.

                From 1899 to1934 we had mostly just "Banana Wars;" mostly not only. People of our neighboring countries of Central America may object to my word "just." Those Banana Wars were among the most traumatic happenings in their entire history. In those wars we stepped on their labor movement hard. The people of those republics have found it difficult to laugh about what we have called our Good Neighbor Policy. 

                When taking a close look at historic near the U.S. it seems we have hated the people of Haiti the most for the longest time. That we have invaded Mexico only 13 times since 1837 makes it look like we love Mexicans more than we have hated the people of Haiti; but I digress. These doings mostly count as wars.

                There are doings related to our wars that are curious and peak my interest. For it is curious why we insist on killing one another when we could be arranging to protect ourselves from comet and asteroid rains, various virus, plagues, solar flares, rising sea levels, and the like. When I have said "we' here, I not only refer to you and I, our fellow citizens, and our fore bearers, but also those who find it convenient to war with us. 

                My curiosity extends to wanting to know why part of our Civil War occurred at Gibraltar and why Mysore played a part in that same war. I'd even like to know why Sweden was our allie in our first Barbary War. What about the German Coast Uprising in the Territory of Orleans? Just why did we invade Canada? And like that. And you may agree, that our recent wars of say the last 20 or 30 years, have had their interesting points.

                I do not enjoy writing about the killing we do or about the deaths of many of our fine young men. In fact it causes me some very unpleasant feelings. I would like to act in an honorable and legal way to minimize early deaths and killings. Not an easy thing to do since so many of us have abdicated responsibility for the war machine we sponsor.

                I have a lot to learn but I do intend to be honest and factual as I write. I hope that you will correct any and all mistakes that you find on this blog. You are welcome to do so in the "comment" section just below.

                More to come.

                Thank you for reading.





                 Napoleon Bonaparte, a leading republican of his day, was willing to become Emperor of France. 

                 France welcomed Bonaparte as Emperor. There may be a lesson to be learned from this bit of history.

                Napoleon did bring reforms to Europe and beyond in the fields of science, education, and a variety of cultural areas. These works could be called republican.

                The legal system called the Napoleonic Code, influenced much of Europe and a significant part of the rest of the World. Napoleonic law is an important part of the law of the U.S. state of Louisiana. 

                Napoleon was a warrior, a leader of armies. Some have said that he won a war against  Russian. To attack Russia, he left home with about a half million men. He returned home with about 20,000 men and "the shirt on his back."

                He met his "Waterloo" in a battle against Prussia and Britain. In that battle Prussia "saved Britain's bacon.

                After Waterloo, Britain, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and others joined one another in suppressing liberal movements throughout Europe. 


This is a history TEST:

~ Why do the histories of so many revolutions seem revolting?

~ Where is your revolution headed?

~ Why might a republican be willing to become an Emperor?

~ What is a "loo?"

~ Why ought the citizens of a republic be responsible?




Saturday, December 10, 2022

Neanderthals One

 Most of the first things I noted about the Neanderthals

                    Neanderthals lived in Europe perhaps 400,000 years ago and may have been in that region more than twice that many years ago.

                    Neanderthals may have lived in Spain(Cidron) as recently as 49,000 years ago. They may have practiced cannibalism there as recently as 60,000 years ago.

                    Mysterian Neanderthals may have lived as recently as 28,000 thousand years ago.

                    It seems that many Neanderthals may have had red hair. 

                    It seems that through important periods of time Neanderthals may have been fewer than "us." Nearly all of us are probably partly Neanderthal. 

                    Dramatic climate changes and severe weather impacted us and Neanderthals. 49,000 years ago Neanderthals were a dying race.

                    Through important periods of time Neanderthals numbered much fewer than us,

                  It appeared that the great majority of us had ancestors who had been intimate with Neanderthals,

                    The next thing I noted is that some of my biological traits seem significantly neanderthalish.

                    The next thing that I noted is that Earth changes had been very hard on the Neanderthal and has been very hard on all of humanity for Ages.

                                                                                                                            by Richard

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Transformations of the European Continent | YouTube Video

             Get to know Europe and it's natural history. The European continent has gone through enormous changes. The peoples of that continent are experiencing great changes today. Many of those people count Iceland as part of Europe. Get a taste, here, of the natural history of Europe. You can begin to understand the great transformation of the European continent.


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