Sunday, July 30, 2023

A Recent Look Greek Prehistory

Greece is One Good Beginning

            We have truly wonderful doings  happenings to learn of and about our ancestors.  Starting places mentioned on this YouTube video where you may find wonders related to you are Miletus, Pitane, Crete, Phoenicia, and Anatolia. Greek DNA hints at wonders as dose German, Pole, Irish, Tamil, and yours. 


Archaeology: was 1964 a turning point?

Gobekli Tepe and the Younger Dryas

We were harvesters very early.

We had the world to harvest long and long before we planted. We are talking deep time and geological history. Harvesters were hep.


The flooding at the ending of the the recent Ice Age was dramatic enough to get our attention and to mark our memories:

A work in progress

                We are now placing it in our history and clarifying our vision of it. We have a great deal to learn and now many of us want to learn truly. For now we are using this outline.

Our present cultures:

            We are quickly reaching the end of this Ice Age.

Post Ice Age:

            Recovering from the climate changes. the flooding 13,000 to 8,000 Some of it happened suddenly

Ice Age:

Ice Age Civilization(s) Different from our own and in some ways certainly more advanced then our own.

Pre Ice age:

Pre Ice Age culture probably differing from Post Ice Age and Ice Age cultures.

Along With Us

Youth and children can learn right along with us.

                We can say "Whad'ya know Joe"?" or ''I don't know." In our history we can discover useful stories, much honesty, and even approach some reality. Yuval Noah Harari seems to be helping many youngsters and youths begin this process well.


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Research into the Walsh side of British History

Let's approach the real history of the real two king Arthurs. There are those who would not just abandon our ancient history, but also try to erase it. It seems that making themselves look good is more important than the truth. Have you noticed anyone doing such a thing? Me too. Have you made our children learn the lies. Living lies is not good for our humanity. This video may begin to help some find the a road toward the truth. Research has been useful for getting on such roads and for following them. Let's approach the truth. Here you can find more about real king Arthurs on a road to Syria.


Thursday, July 13, 2023

One View of Ukrainians from a Historic Perspective

 One View of Ukraine Origins



                  Cossacks not only acted like free men, but had also understood democracy long before many of us. Their descendants have been active in self governing communities. They have been an open and inclusive and seem to have  included a strong slav nature. That ancient spirit seems to still have a presences today.

                The Ukrainian Cossack state was formed in about 1650 in what is now Central Ukraine. Their leaders were elected in what can be called a republican or even democratic way.

                They have never been very many, there are now more of them than ever,  but they are still few compared to the great states. They have more freedom than have many and have shown a strong will to self governance among strong neighbors such as Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. Over the centuries they have proven to be brave enough.

                Against some odds they formed the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917 1921, the Western Ukrainian People's Republic in 1918 to 1919, the Ukrainian peoples' Republic in exile from 1920 to 1992.

Soviet Union and the U. N.:

                In the meantime they were among the very first members of the Soviet Union with its promise of self governing citizens.

                They are charter members of the United Nations with its potential for peace and freedom.

                Ukrainians are still not a great many and are dying for their freedom now. Like many of us they are a mixture of many people, nationalities, and even religious beliefs.They are a self selected people striving to be free and democratic in this world on this earth. Still a brave, some say stubborn, people of such variety can be difficult.

                Before about 650 AD they were little know to history or men beyond their close neighbors. Throughout their history they have stayed a freer, more democratic, and inclusive people than have many others, possibly most others. They have had to defend themselves and they have done so. They have kept the hope and faith that they could live a free people among other free people. They have also seen inclusiness, feerdon, and democracy disappear like smoke.

                Cossacks can be problematic persisters and their blood still flows.

                Thanks for reading.



Saturday, July 8, 2023

History: An Intro

An Introduction to this growing history site

                As of  Saturday July 7th of 2023 there are 150 posts for you here. Check out a few of them and tell what you would like to see more. There is a comments app just below each post. I enjoy reading comments on the content of a post and really like hearing from you.

                I intend to make time to add some history and prehistory timeline items on the independent pages of this site. You can find the list of Pages in the left hand column.
                 These history essays deal with history of a variety of sorts. Can geological time be history? I may call it so here. I may call some archaeological work history to. I am now doing so.

                Examples of history you may find include: World History. Ancient History, Pre-History,  Irish History,  U.S. History, Volcanism and comet History, the nature of history, and like that.            

                There are those who deprecate history itself. So common is this deprecation that the expression "That's history." has become deprecatory. Those who do deprecate it, often have very good reasons for doing so.

                That which happened this morning is history. That is, it is history when someone can tell me about it, or when I witness it and tell you about it. Basically, it seems that history is that told about what has happened. I suspect that there are historians who would not find this simplification agreeable. 

                By attending to a history, one may not only learn what happened, but also how it happened and other potentially useful information. History can be felt as the pleasure of a good story. Even a history, badly told can contain useful info. Many are finding a lot of history enjoyable and interesting.

                Some say that experience is the best teacher and that history is a accounting of our experience

                This history business is not always easy. For example, many would agree that a history not told be a historian is just a story. Then again a true story might be thought a history. But then again there are historians who are falsifiers. Not easy.

                A lot more can be said and is said about history. As an example it is said that historians record and present history in accord with their own worldviews and perspectives. Some record it as the see it. More try to make sense of histories told by others. A great many historians embrace truth and reality, in accord with how they have seen it and understood it. I believe that their interest in reality is great. 

                I believe that you could be a historian. When you value evidence, know a true story, and have a realistic imagination, you may be a pretty good one. However, many will call you a story teller, unless you have documents as your principle source of evidence. 

                Many professional historians tend to examine the nature of changes as an important part of their work. The examine all sorts of changes: cultural, economic, technological and many more.

                History is not a science. It has an immense number of variables, yet has no laboratory. Historians do have the advantage of hindsight and they use that advantage. They also find help in the questions they entertain. Such as: "How did we get into this mess?" and "Why did that happen?" At other times they test their ability to suspend judgement and try to place themselves in the context of the moment.

                As I think about it, there seems to be a very great deal to learn about the doing of history. I may write more as I begin to learn more. In the meantime I will try to share a good story or two and a few of the curiosities of the past. Historians have been called antiquarians; doesn't that have a romantic ring.                                                                                                                     

 Mago Bill Keeps Me Seeing History in a Slightly Different Way  


                Mago Bill is a nickname which I choose to give my paternal great grandfather. I have used the name Mago Bill on several blogs because it names a source of inspiration for me. It has inspired me to write a variety of history posts for you. Nearly all of these inspired post are of history, prehistory, and a bit more.

                This blog is new and does not have a Mago Bill title. However, because Mago inspires: this history blog, a number history and prehistory timelines, because my vision of him inspires many of my thoughts on history, and much of my historic and prehistoric research, it seems appropriate to mention him here.

                My sister, the family genealogist, discovered ample documentation of his existence and that the name he most often used in the United States was M. William Sheehan. Soon we discovered evidence that the "M" was for Mago; a name even more unusually in the US then than it is now.

                In Ireland Mago, as a given name, has had several periods of some popularity. For me, William became Bill. Thus the name Mago Bill came to personify my inspiration for several blogs and much research.

                Spanish speaking friends of mine told me that the Spanish word "mago" means magician in English. Some of the same friends tell me that the Three Kings or Three Wise Men, we are told brought gifts to the baby Jesus, were called magos and that each one may be called mago.

                I have learned that the name Mago was an important family name among Carthaginian Phoenicians while Rome was young. Later some of the family Mago were close to Hannibal, a name you may recognize. 

                Carthaginian traders and navigators came to Ireland to trade for tin and other goods. They they brought so much knowledge and talk of the name Mago with them that it so impressed some individuals, that they named their male offspring Mago.

                "Mago" has more history to be told and I may very well tell some of it here on this history blog. You may have already found that this blog contains prehistory, archaeology, geological history, and a bit more, in addition to my idea of normal history.

                 Thank you for your visit and for reading this Page. For your pleasure, make some time to review the Posts on this blog.

                There is still much more about Mago Bill on the Mago Bill  web site.


More Jottings About History on This Blog


                      History With RCS: deals with history of a variety of sorts. Can geological time be history? I may call it so here.

                    American History, which will mostly deal with the history of the United States of America.

                    World history, beginning about 4000 BC and continuing to about 2000 AD.

                    Pre-History beginning about 4000 BC and ending, some say, where no more evidence of humans is found.


An Introduction to These History posts

                The following is a sort of history you might find on this page in the future. I have my biases. For example, Irish history seems so important to me I may put it on a completely different Page which I may call Ireland and Irish.

                There are those who deprecate history itself. So common is this deprecation that the expression "That's history." has become deprecatory.

                That which happened this morning is history. That is, it is history when someone can tell me about it, or when I witness it and tell you about it. Basically, it seems that history is that told about what has happened. I suspect that there are historians who would not find this simplification agreeable. 

                By attending to a history, one may not only learn what happened, but also how it happened and other potentially useful information. History can be felt as the pleasure of a good story. Even a history, badly told can contain useful info. Many are finding a lot of history enjoyable and interesting.

                Some say that experience is the best teacher and that history is a accounting of our experience

                This history business is not always easy. For example, many would agree that a history not told be a historian is just a story. Then again a true story might be thought a history. But then again there are historians who are falsifiers. Not easy.

                A lot more can be said and is said about history. As an example it is said that historians record and present history in accord with their own worldviews and perspectives. Some record it as the see it. More try to make sense of histories told by others. A great many historians embrace truth and reality, in accord with how they have seen it and understood it. I believe that their interest in reality is great. 

                I believe that you could be a historian. When you value evidence, know a true story, and have a realistic imagination, you may be a pretty good one. However, many will call you a story teller, unless you have documents as your principle source of evidence. 

                Many professional historians tend to examine the nature of changes as an important part of their work. The examine all sorts of changes: cultural, economic, technological and many more.

                History is not a science. It has an immense number of variables, yet has no laboratory. Historians do have the advantage of hindsight and they use that advantage. They also find help in the questions they entertain. Such as: "How did we get into this mess?" and "Why did that happen?" At other times they test their ability to suspend judgement and try to place themselves in the context of the moment.

                As I think about it, there seems to be a very great deal to learn about the doing of history. I may write more as I begin to learn more. In the meantime I will try to share a good story or two and a few of the curiosities of the past. Historians have been called antiquarians; doesn't that have a romantic ring.

                This seems more than enough of a ramble for now, almost. Remember the "comments" app is available for your additions, corrections, praise, and comments.

                Thank you for your visit. Return and see if you can find some peculiar prehistory.


 Ireland and the Irish have history with far reaching connections. Don't we all? Yes, we probably do.

               Mago Bill is a nickname which I choose to give my paternal great grand father. I have used the name Mago Bill on several blogs because it names a source of inspiration for me. It has inspired me to write a variety of history posts for you; most recently and on the Mago Bill site. Nearly all of these inspired post are of history, prehistory, and a bit more.

                This blog is new and does not have a Mago Bill title. However, because Mago inspires: this history blog, a number history and prehistory timelines, because my vision of him inspires many of my thoughts on history, and much of my historic and prehistoric research, it seems appropriate to mention him here.

                My sister, the family genealogist, discovered ample documentation of his existence and that the name he most often used in the United States was M.William Sheehan. Soon we discovered evidence that the "M" was for Mago; a name even more unusually in the US then than it is now.

                In Ireland Mago, as a given name, has had several periods of some popularity. For me, William became Bill. Thus the name Mago Bill came to personify my inspiration for several blogs and much research.

                Spanish speaking friends of mine told me that the Spanish word "mago" means magician in English. Some of the same friends tell me that the Three Kings or Three Wise Men, we are told brought gifts to the baby Jesus, were called magos and that each one may be called mago.

                I have learned that the name Mago was an important family name among Carthaginian Phoenicians while Rome was young. Later some of the family Mago were close to Hannibal, a name you may recognize. 

                Carthaginian traders and navigators came to Ireland to trade for tin and other goods. They they brought so much knowledge and talk of the name Mago with them that it so impressed some individuals, that they named their male offspring Mago.

                "Mago" has more history to be told and I may very well tell some of it here on this history blog. You may have already found that this blog contains prehistory, archaeology, geological history, and a bit more, in addition to my idea of normal history.

                 Thank you for your visit and for reading this Page. For your pleasure, make some time to review the Posts on this blog.

                For now, bye.







The Real Mago Bill and other Old Stuff leading to History With RCS                                       

                    My sister Gerry, the family genealogist, discovered ample documentary evidence of his existence after the death of our parents. As I remember she first discovered his name as M. William Sheehan. However, we discovered evidence that the "M" was for Mago. He seemed to have found it too unusual to use comfortably in the US, but did not want to give it up.









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