Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Sauk & Sac of Sauk Prairie

Sauk, Sac, Fo and others are still around after about 400 years of oppression.

            This video deals mostly with the ending of French oppression to fairly recent times. It deals with migrations and some tasty bits of other history. It also enters into some English and American explorations and colonialism.

                The Sac were one of the more advanced agricultural cultures. Top crops included mellon, squash, and of course corn. The women carried the greater part of agricultural doing and knowing.

                The men were accomplished warriors and early obtained horse from Spanish and were early to use horse in hunting bison.

                You may find this video to be and interesting if light introduction to to early American cultures.


Sunday, December 10, 2023


RFK Jr.: Experienced, intelligent, patriot, and well educated; he has a deep love for our country, has a deep understanding of republicanism and democracy, and who understands the difficulty of mixing imperialism with republicanism and democracy.


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