Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Feragama Valley Notes

History With RCS: Introduction to the Silk Road: the new Silk Road, the Old Silk Road, and the ancient Silk Road             

            You have heard of the Silk Road. You may have hear of the New Silk Road, the Old Silk Road, and the ancient Silk Road. 
They are all a part of the Feragama Valley, and the Feragama Valley is part of big doings and happenings. These doings and happenings form the backstory of much of what is happening and being done beyond your National borders.

            Find out. Listen and look for: doings and happenings, personages and news in and around the Feragama Valley.  
The Silk Road which has become a tourist destination is part of it. Beginning to learn about the Feragama Valley cultures may change your vision of the present and likely futures. Understanding of this valley's cultures can help us all to a better understanding of the happenings and doings of our world today. Beginning to know the history of this area and
it's people helps us to understand the way of things more than one may believe just now.

        In Zoroastrian literature the valley is referred to as the 
Zoroastrian homeland. The history of that particular homeland goes back more than 4000 years before today and is touching us now. The cultures of people of the Valley goes back 10,000 years more.

        Russia took control of the Valley between 1855 and 1884.

The peoples of the Valley were in contact with Xi'an(China) from, at least 1100 BC through the Dark Ages of Europe, when Ai'an of present China was an important cultural and political center.

        For one who wants a quest in history, I say take hold of a thread from an early culture of the Indian sub-continent. A culture, in perhaps the north of India, had an important connection with the Valley. That thread can take you places few of today have gone; to places from which many of today can benefit.

        Thank you for the visit. Come back soon just to check things out or to make a real search of the site.




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