Sunday, January 2, 2022

Cow Head

History With RCS: Forty years exploring the the New World in the 1500s   

                 Most Americans know Cabeza de Vaca as one of the four survivors of a three hundred man expedition to Florida in 1583. H e wandered eight years in North America a a naked, unarmed healer of  Indians and probably the first European to describe thundering herds of buffalo.

                In 1541 the same Alvero Núñez Cabeza de Vaca was penetrating southern Brazil by canoe near what is now the riverine intersection of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. When in the distance, he saw a cloud of spray "two spear throws or more above the treetops." He had to beach the expedition before it plunged over the brink of an enormous waterfall. He ha discovered Iguazú Catarata. Iguazu is as wide as three Niagras and one hundred feet higher.

                Let me know when you want more of this or more like this.


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