Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Your Vocabulary and the Irish Land Wars

 Irish history and Your Governance

                The Irish Land Wars are the source or the introduction of a powerfully effective word in the English language. In 1850 Irish persons formed the the Tenant Rights League in Ireland to demand reform in the land law of Ireland. A law not of democratic origin. This organization was followed by about 40 years of unrest in Ireland, and to some learning and reform.

                The word in question was derived from the name of a landlord so disliked that he was refused labor to harvest his crops, as well as refusal to to service shops, laundries, and other facilities. This social excommunication of Mr. Boycott, this landlord, led to his name being used to describe these refusals. Boycotts have worked well as a nonviolent protest measure.

                Know you know the meaning of "to boycott," "boycotting," and more. The Word is "boycott"

                We can be more aware that we are responsible for ruling ourselves. We can be more aware of out responsibility for self-governance. In Ireland a name for self rule has been Home Rule. It does seem best to begin governance at home. One's town, county, water district, and country are examples of places for home Rule. You can blame your wife, your father, your mayor, and your president, but that often turns out to be a waste of energy. Where you are concerned you are the authority and the boss, and the doing is yours to do. You will have your results. We all have responsibility and we all have learning to do. That learning is easier when we do it together.
                We can learn more effective doing by observing the doings of others. that's history. You can check out the Home Rule League of Ireland for some instructive history. You may find out things just by reading on here. You may learn something of practical civics or social organization. You can also report your understandings in "comments" below. "Comments" can also be a good place to ask questions. You can check out Gandhi on social organizing and the use of resistance. Well reasoned and well presented have been important parts of useful social measures. U. S. citizens have plenty to learn about the use of our Constitution and the use of democracy. There is much of interest to learn of the structure and function of our actual governments.

                We can become more effectual citizens by learning about the uses pf politics and of our history. History is were we can begin to learn of what has worked and what has not. As we learn to observe and to practice taking care of ourselves (self-governance), we may find it useful to learn more of and from our own histories as well as from the histories of others. 

                We can call politics the way we co-operate to get our governance working well.

                Well, what do you know about the verb "to boycott?" You may remember that every verb is an action word. You can learn more about the: when, where, why, and how of boycott online. You may report your interesting and useful findings here in the "comments" section just below.
                Thank you very much for reading.



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