Monday, January 30, 2023

Cossack, Ukrainian, and Free

                 Cossacks have been free men and democratic. They have only been known to history since about 650 AD. They have been active in self-governing communities for well over a thousand years. They have been open, inclusive, with a Slavic bent. They knew a world from Siberia to Lithuania and up and down for many years, but were drawn to a certain land.

                The Ukrainian Cossack State was formed in about 1650 in what is now central Ukraine. Their leaders were elected. Through the years they have been few. Democracy is not easy. They experienced much, and stayed free among strong neighbors such as Poland, Russia, and Lithuania. Among such neighbors they continued to show a strong will for self-governance.

                They formed the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1917 to 1921, the western Ukrainian Peoples Republic 1918 to 1919, and the Ukrainian People's Republic in exile  from 1920 to 1992.

                They were among the very first members of the Soviet Union with its promise of self-governing citizens. They may have been the first to leave that Union when it showed little will to self-governing citizenship.

                They were among the charter members of the United Nations with its promise of a chance for peace and freedom. They have not given up on their fellow members yet. 

                Ah, yes, I believe that at the breakup of the Soviet Union they were left with one of the greatest stock of atomic weapons on Earth and gave up that stock to the U.N.

                They have been few and still are. They are still a mixture of races, nationalities, and religions. They are a free democratic people self selected from that mixture.

                We might mention that while all this was going on they, with the help of a few viking Norsemen, created Russia. Oh, and they had a modern republic type written constitution in 1710.

                I believe that a history of the cultures most effecting these people could be traced back another 4,000 years. However, before about 650 AD they were little recognized in history as a discrete people. Throughout perhaps a thousand years of their history they stayed freer, more democratic, and inclusive than most. They have had to defend themselves and they have. They have also kept the hope and faith that they could live a free people among free people. They have  seen inclusiveness, freedom, and democracy disappear like smoke again and again. Still they hold a vision of that freedom and self governance closer and dearer than do most.

               Please feel free to correct this work or add to it in the "comments" section below or just to click on a social media button just below.

                Ukraine. Ukraine. Ukraine.

                There is much more to know about the Ukraine.

                Thank you for reading.





Sunday, January 29, 2023

These First Notes Are Sythian Related.

                                 These Notes Are Sythian Related       

                I have read of Scythians being called Sckathians and also Sakas. 
                Sckathians did not eat pork. They did grow wheat.

                I believe that the plural of Saka can be Saki. Saki are closely associated with Persians. The may also have ad a close relation with Jews. I do not know the relative dates of theses associations and relationships, but they may have occurred within the first 400 years AD. 

                Scythians were around for a long time. They were many. They  have been called nomades of grassland. They were horsemen. They moved around the grasslands from about 800 BC to 300 AD. Some of them may have become Jewish not so far from 300 AD. 

                Scythians also seem a lot like the early Persians on the Silk Road. They rode well, designed and  made a variety of wagons. Some of those wagons were horse drawn and most were drawn by oxen. They were excellently mounted bowman and warriors. Their culture may have be more equalitarian than most, including in gender relationships. They liked gold and worked very well. They had an Iron Age culture. 

             I suspect that there may be evidence that some Scythian woman warriors trained Irish warriors. 
                Scythians are related to Parthians.
                Danann and Scythian may have arrived in Ireland in time to meet one another.


New Notes                
                Carthaginians were Phoenicians. How many got to the New World?
                Phoenicia" once applied to the whole eastern Mediterranean. There was a Phoenician colony in Britain,. They were frequent visitors to Ireland and perhaps regular ones. There were Phoenician colonies around the Med and elsewhere. I suspect many members of the tribe of Dan traveled and worked with Phoenicias as fellow traders. They also fought Romans with a few Irishmen and a few of them arrived to the walls of Rome.

            American Indians:
            Write something on each of the following: Texas Indians(14), Seminole In 13, Cal Indians, SW Indians.

RCS Posts, Science:'
                The Great Year is defined as "One complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic which takes about 25,000 Earth years."

                An equinox is one of the only two times of year when at a location on Earth day and night are if equal time. This true ai all latitudes. It occurs do to the position of the Earth's axis. It is when the axis tilts neither toward or away from the sun. It's when both Northern and Southern Hemisphere experience nearly equal amounts of daytime and nighttime. It is a time when the sun passes directly over the equator an event which occurs only twice a year.
                Imagine the plain of the Earth's equator. You are a magician and are holding  a ball size earth in one hand. I your other hand you hold a sheet of paper capable of passing perfectly through the earth at it's equator without a wrinkle. You make that pass and stop when the paper has equal portions of the Earth on either side. Your paper is now at the plain of the Earth. If you are now circling the sun with your Earth and the paper extends straight toward sun and passes directly through the center of the circle formed by the orbit of the Earth, you are experiencing an equinox.

                If someone says "So?" You can say, "So, The movement of the Earth's plain relative to the Sun is what causes our seasons." With this knowledge we can develop a calendar which predicts the occurrence of our seasons.
                Our ancestors use the GC to imagine and watch the signs of  the Zodiac and to use them as a teaching tool for the great and the small.

            These "new note" will be moved and combined with other more appropriate notes.


"Auto de Fe" at Mani

                                     Auto de Fe at Mani

            The auto de fe at Mani may be the first great political/economic scandal affecting both the New World and the Old World.

               Among Europeans it frightened the Aristocracy, the Church, the military, and the great merchants and traders in Mexico City, Madrid, Rome, and beyond.

               At first it may seem a case of business as usual. A churchman caused a few Indians to be punished and a relatively small amount of their religious and cultural items to be destroyed. A common occurrence between Old Word "conquers" and New world "conquered."

            However in this case.....   

Should I continue the story?
Do you want to?
Should we both?

by Richard Sheehan
for you

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Patriot Dream

Oh, beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!

God shed his grace on thee.

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea

Some thought that these words could form the text of a fine national anthem.


Wednesday, January 4, 2023


 Now and Then


Isis is an asset and a source of divine power from the Old Kingdom of Egypt. She is the first daughter of Geb* and Nut.
She married her brother Osiris who I know here in Colombia. The Moors knew Isis before they knew Spain. Ave Maria!


*Geb was first seen as a man, a man who cared for earth. His daughter and son later became highly venerated in ancient Egypt.

What has Isis become for us? ISIS?



You can tell me what to add, take out, correct, do next. You can use tge ''comments" section below


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