Sunday, January 29, 2023

These First Notes Are Sythian Related.

                                 These Notes Are Sythian Related       

                I have read of Scythians being called Sckathians and also Sakas. 
                Sckathians did not eat pork. They did grow wheat.

                I believe that the plural of Saka can be Saki. Saki are closely associated with Persians. The may also have ad a close relation with Jews. I do not know the relative dates of theses associations and relationships, but they may have occurred within the first 400 years AD. 

                Scythians were around for a long time. They were many. They  have been called nomades of grassland. They were horsemen. They moved around the grasslands from about 800 BC to 300 AD. Some of them may have become Jewish not so far from 300 AD. 

                Scythians also seem a lot like the early Persians on the Silk Road. They rode well, designed and  made a variety of wagons. Some of those wagons were horse drawn and most were drawn by oxen. They were excellently mounted bowman and warriors. Their culture may have be more equalitarian than most, including in gender relationships. They liked gold and worked very well. They had an Iron Age culture. 

             I suspect that there may be evidence that some Scythian woman warriors trained Irish warriors. 
                Scythians are related to Parthians.
                Danann and Scythian may have arrived in Ireland in time to meet one another.


New Notes                
                Carthaginians were Phoenicians. How many got to the New World?
                Phoenicia" once applied to the whole eastern Mediterranean. There was a Phoenician colony in Britain,. They were frequent visitors to Ireland and perhaps regular ones. There were Phoenician colonies around the Med and elsewhere. I suspect many members of the tribe of Dan traveled and worked with Phoenicias as fellow traders. They also fought Romans with a few Irishmen and a few of them arrived to the walls of Rome.

            American Indians:
            Write something on each of the following: Texas Indians(14), Seminole In 13, Cal Indians, SW Indians.

RCS Posts, Science:'
                The Great Year is defined as "One complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic which takes about 25,000 Earth years."

                An equinox is one of the only two times of year when at a location on Earth day and night are if equal time. This true ai all latitudes. It occurs do to the position of the Earth's axis. It is when the axis tilts neither toward or away from the sun. It's when both Northern and Southern Hemisphere experience nearly equal amounts of daytime and nighttime. It is a time when the sun passes directly over the equator an event which occurs only twice a year.
                Imagine the plain of the Earth's equator. You are a magician and are holding  a ball size earth in one hand. I your other hand you hold a sheet of paper capable of passing perfectly through the earth at it's equator without a wrinkle. You make that pass and stop when the paper has equal portions of the Earth on either side. Your paper is now at the plain of the Earth. If you are now circling the sun with your Earth and the paper extends straight toward sun and passes directly through the center of the circle formed by the orbit of the Earth, you are experiencing an equinox.

                If someone says "So?" You can say, "So, The movement of the Earth's plain relative to the Sun is what causes our seasons." With this knowledge we can develop a calendar which predicts the occurrence of our seasons.
                Our ancestors use the GC to imagine and watch the signs of  the Zodiac and to use them as a teaching tool for the great and the small.

            These "new note" will be moved and combined with other more appropriate notes.


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