Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Word is "culture"


        Not all of us share the same understanding of the word "culture.'' I tend to see it as pointing to the doings and meanings particular to a group of humans. For example the people who share a language may partake of similar cultures. The people of Poland and and the people of China seem to have evident cultural differences. Groups and nations are often defined by differences in their culture.

        A significant amount of cultural factors may subconscious. I tend to recognize or define a group by its culture. I tend to see a culture as being made up of a variety of doings, happenings, and attitudes which often include: values, tastes, customs and language.  Knowledge and practices may define a culture. Our culture may include all that we learn in common consciously or subconsciously. Others may use what they know of our culture to define us or to differ them from us.

        A study of culture can both extensive and useful. One's own culture includes, beliefs,, religion, kinds of social organization, shared interpretations, and practices. So, I a given culture it is much more than  an appreciation of opera. Indeed great cultures may have or never had either conscious or unconscious knowledge of it.

        Each and every culture is shared in a limited way. You, as a cultured person, share all of your culture with others. There is no culture which is not shared within a group of others. There must be a grouping of some sort for a culture to exist. There are family cultures. religious cultures; often when we speak of culture we speak of a tribal culture or national culture.

        Culture has been defined as a reference to the behavior within a society and the common meanings given to that behavior among the members of that society. Culture is a learning of humans. The way we understand is due much to our culture.

        Also our culture also includes our tools, agriculture, technologies, and history, as well as our way of seeing things.

        Our culture may cause us some problems, but it can also help us to survive and thrive. We all create, support, maintain and pass on some of our culture. We can and do teach our children some of our culture. How much of the culture around us do we learn? How much knowledge of the culture around us would benefit our children to learn consciously?

             (In "Comments" below, you may make suggestions on ways this exposition on the nature of culture may be made better, complete, and useful. Also your corrections of my errors is very helpful. Please keep your corrections and suggestions simple. I have gotten old and my lights are dimming.)

        Thank you for reading!



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