Wednesday, October 13, 2021

History, U.S. Wars

History With RCS: U. S. wars.


            There are a lot of them! Check our timeline blogs.

            We had no major wars from 1935 to 1940. 1897 was also a year with no major wars. I do not of any others. Including these years with no war we have averaged well over a war a year since 1776! 

            From 1899 to 1934 we had mostly just Banana Wars. Some of our tiny neighboring countries of Central America may object to my use of the word "just." We stepped on their labor movements hard. Those Banana Wars were among the most traumatic happenings in the entire history of  the people of the Central American Republics.

            When taking a close look at historic happenings it seems that we have hated the people of Haiti the most and for the longest time.  Still, that we have invaded Mexico 13 times since 1875 does not seem loving, nor even a good neighbor policy.

            I have not posted much about our wars on Mago Bill. I do remember posting on one of our early Indian Wars some time ago. I have another war post in draft, but I am returning to the states on business until October 19th. If you would like to read more opinion and facts about our wars on Mago Bill tell me so in the "Comment Section" at the foot of this post or of any other Mago Bill post.

            I the comments window you can also help me by correcting my errors or by telling use about American wars you have checked out. I would be interested in finding about that pert of our Revolutionary War which took place in  Gibraltar: or what part Mysore played in that same war: why Sweden was our ally in the First Barbary War; or about the German Coast Uprising in the Territory of Orleans: or why the US invaded Canada; and like that.

by Richard 

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