Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Mago Bill Inspired History

History With RCS: Inspired by Mago Bill               

              Mago Bill is a nickname which I choose to give my paternal great grand father. I have used the name Mago Bill on several blogs because it names a source of inspiration for me. It has inspired me to write a variety of history posts for you; most recently here, and my Ireland and the Irish Blog. Nearly all of these inspired post are of history, prehistory, and a bit more.

                This blog is new and does not have a Mago Bill title. However, because Mago inspires: this history blog, a number history and prehistory timelines, because my vision of him inspires many of my thoughts on history, and much of my historic and prehistoric research, it seems appropriate to mention him here.

                My sister, the family genealogist, discovered ample documentation of his existence and that the name he most often used in the United States was M.William Sheehan. Soon we discovered evidence that the "M" was for Mago; a name even more unusually in the US then than it is now.

                In Ireland Mago, as a given name, has had several periods of some popularity. For me, William became Bill. Thus the name Mago Bill came to personify my inspiration for several blogs and much research.

                Spanish speaking friends of mine told me that the Spanish word "mago" means magician in English. Some of the same friends tell me that the Three Kings or Three Wise Men, we are told brought gifts to the baby Jesus, were called magos and that each one may be called mago.

                I have learned that the name Mago was an important family name among Carthaginian Phoenicians while Rome was young. Later some of the family Mago were close to Hannibal, a name you may recognize. 

                Carthaginian traders and navigators came to Ireland to trade for tin and other goods. They they brought so much knowledge and talk of the name Mago with them that it so impressed some individuals, that they named their male offspring Mago.

                "Mago" has more history to be told and I may very well tell some of it here on this history blog. You may have already found that this blog contains prehistory, archaeology, geological history, and a bit more, in addition to my idea of normal history.

                 Thank you for your visit and for reading this Page. For your pleasure, make some time to review the Posts on this blog.

                For now, bye.






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