Sunday, March 6, 2022

Neanderthals: First comments. You are not completely Neanderthal

 History With RCS: 


                Do you know anyone who collected crystals? Neanderthals did.

                Some Neanderthals have lived as recently as 28,000 years ago.  49,000 years ago they were probably already a "dying" race.


                Many Neanderthals may have had red hair.

                It appears that through important periods of time that Neanderthals were much fewer than "us." I use parenthesis because, in some part, we may be them.

                Severe climate changes, including sever weather and storms impacted us and neanderthals. Sea levels were much lower during most of the time of neanderthals, so more land was available to them, though a significant part of it may have been covered with ice much of that time.


            They evidently collected fossils and crystals, and played the flute. The painted the interior of some caves; some beautifully, some more than 65,000 years ago!

                They were more evolved to resist cold then are most of us. Remember, nearly all of us may be part Neanderthal. It now seems a fact that over a certain period of time Neanderthal and homo sapien interbred. 

                There is some good evidence that they were seafaring 150,000 years ago! There is significant evidence that they used herbal medicine to better effect than we do. Still it is possible that we contributed to their extinction with our "germs," helped by changing climate.

                There is still much to be learned of these cousins of ours and we are learning more each year.

                Thank you for reading.



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