Saturday, March 19, 2022

Search and Find

 History With RCS: Hints for searching this blog and  giving yourself a chance of finding what you are looking for or something interesting. 


        Scroll, Popular Posts, archive dates, search function, and Labels name five ways available to you for finding that which interests you.
                You are probably familiar with scrolling. You may have a scroll wheel on your mouse. By turning it one way you may scroll down the blog viewing post after post. By turning it the other way you can retrace your way to the top of the blog. In scrolling down you may come to a place which seems to be the end, but that may not be so. Scroll back to the last words you can see. They may say "newer posts." Click on 'newer posts" and be taken back to the first of the blog. However, those last words may say "older posts." Click on "older posts" and be taken to a new world of posts to scroll though and check out. 


 Using "Labels" in the right hand column or the search function at the top left side of the page are to good ways to find what you are looking for.

            Find interesting topics by a search of "Labels" in the right hand column of this blog. Read and scroll down. When you find your topic click on it an seen what comes up.

             Or, Look at the upper left-hand corner of the blog and see the space to print your one or two word search for your topic of interest, click on the magnifying glass and see what appears on your page.

            When you type a word into that white blank in the upper left-hand corner of this blog and then click on the magnifying glass you may instructively surprised.

            Searches can be fun and finding what you want is satisfying.


            Tell me if you want more search info.

                                                                    by Richard

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