Wednesday, February 2, 2022

The King Arthur Conspiracy

History With RCS: You could make an interesting exploration from here. 

Why not begin with King Arthur?

            We have a lot to. We really have a lot to learn.  There are also some very good stories that you can track down from here. There are other videos in which the speech track of this researchers voice is more easily understood; and videos by others.
            We can begin to get a wider view of our world right here.
Please place your a summary of your report about Arthur in the comments section below. Try to use dates.

See if you can find good answers to the following questions:

1. Why say there is a conspiracy about the history of Arthur?

2. Why do some historians feel certain he was real?

3. Why do some believe their were two real Arthurs?

4. What is the origin of the Welsh?

5. What is the origin of the British?

            Have fun.



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