Friday, February 11, 2022

It's Not Made of Silk

History With RCS: We might call these sentences Silk Road 101 as though they were an introduction to a semester on the topic.

            I think that on another blog I may have called it the Iranian Horsemen Road. Anyway,I believe that by 2000 BC there was already enough silk on the great trading network , we have called the Silk Road, to fairly call it a silk road.

            By the time Europeans knew that they were trading with China and India, the Road ran from beyond Java to Italy and included more than trade just with India and China..

I believe that India early traded fine textiles on the Road.

From about 500 BC to about 200 BC Persian(Iranian) horsemen and their wheeled vehicles kept trade moving along the Road from the far east to the near east.

The Chinese, especially those of the Han Empire, did a good job of keeping trade moving on the Road from 206 BC to about 220 AD when the Ottomans closed it. During those 400 or so years the Han's traded a lot of silk.

Does anyone want to know what was  going on along the route before 500 BC to about about 2000 BC?

The Chinese now have a new fast railroad link along the Road. What else is going on their? Is it true that the Iranians controlled the road the longest.

                                                            by Richard Sheehan


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