Sunday, May 15, 2022

Irish Confederate Wars

History With RCS: The Eleven Year War. Scots, Catholics, Protestants, greed, fear, and cruelty brought to Ireland by English

              The Irish Confederate Wars lasted from 1641 to 1653. Seems the Irish called them the Eleven Year War.

                I am new to these happenings and am emotional as I read of them, but will continue to try to bring more of an honest story to you.


              I do kind of get that the cause of this "rebellion may well be lack of self-government and of sharp Irish awareness of that lack. Outside of Ireland a wide spectrum  other reasons and causes. English fear and greed may be among them.

                Let me try to express the nature of some of my ignorance. I have heard that the "rebelling" Irish were Catholic. Was there not a Jew or an atheist among them? I have also heard that some those rebellious Irish were English! How can that be? Were they English Catholics living in Ireland, or what? At the time of this Eleven Year War, of what did the Kingdom of Ireland consist? Which Scots were not against a free Ireland? Which Protestant colonials figured in this conflict?

                So, among the "rebelling' Irish Catholics there were English? And against them was the Kingdom of England? the Kingdom of Ireland? Some Scots?
And some Protestant colonials?
                Oh, it kind of got under the skin of an Irishman or two that the English idea of "plantation" was to come to Ireland, take Irish land from Irish families and plant English there. This was not done with sweetness. The Irish who lost their land were left not only with out a roof, but also without the food their land provide. They were left without stock or crop or door or roof. They were left with some emotions and some memories.

                Are there any good movies or film about these goings on?

                Can you tell something about these happenings? anything? I do not think that there is anything wrong with the "Comments section below. Use it to help me. You can do so anonymously.

                                                                                                                by Richard Sheehan


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