Wednesday, May 25, 2022

More About the Nature of History and Historians.

History With RCS: History, historians, and me


                Historians have typically found it useful to see human actions as falling into widely recognized patterns such as: economics, baseball, archaeology, gardening,politics, games, anthropology, law, literature, and even the history of history.

                I am interested in a variety of our doings. However, who we are and how we are doing seem high in my present interests. Who we have been and how we have been doing may be more correct.

                Historians have thought of history as a record of how people have tried to meet their needs and desires. One may write a history of her morning breakfast. She may call it a story. However, it may be called history as soon as it is published, especially it it represents an attempt at honesty. Wise men and women have long felt that a familiarity with that record is useful in guiding their orientations and actions.

                Many have found that ignorance of the past is predictive of failure of present actions and activities. That's history for you.


                History seems often to be a record of how we got here. And some historians have considered some histories as a kind of photographic snapshot. A sort of stop action to allow better observation. A way which may enhance the quality of one's observation of a happening and so improve our interpretation and understanding of it. History may be a way to look at a process more carefully after it is completed. History is often a useful way of reviewing a record of and an interpretation of what we have done at a given time and place under given circumstances. And doing so be able to see what we typical do in a given circumstance. This may give us a chance of predicting that which we are likely to do in similar circumstances.

                A doing which is set down as history may have occurred 20,000 years ago, say I, or at breakfast this morning. History may not always depend on reality. Reality, to our mind, is scarce. We very much like our history to be true or, at least, honest. Probably all historians want their history to be useful; most of them want it to be helpful to the reader.

Evidence and Interpretations:           

Historians and history depends very much on evidence. That evidence has long depended much on documentation. Documentation has most often been in the form of written material and now are many communicable materials such as videos. I very much appreciate documentation. However, Throughout the ages, there were ages when no one knew how to document. There were ages of ages when there was no one. Geologists look into times that preceded most or all life and earth. They record and interpret their findings. They offer evidence of their findings. Archaeologists dig up and date mostly man made stuff and have to document it themselves. I call it all history.

                I like all chronological happenings and doings. As I write about such doings and happenings I interpret and analyze it myself. Often I am interpreting the work of someone else, usually a historian.

                I like the story in history. I like it more when it is realistic. I like it better when I find it useful. I like it best when it helps me to approach reality.

                I hope that you find enough to like in my rendering of times past here. Some have told me that they like what I write here as sort of a backstory for more recent events.

                Thank you very much for reading. Please tell me when there is anything you would like me to write more about.



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