Saturday, May 21, 2022

More Shee

 History With RCS: Holy Shee

            Especially in Ireland, but also in Britain and Europe, there remain certain stone carvings that have been called idols. Thew show a female figure displaying and exaggerated vulva. They are not beautiful or young and are often without breasts. They have long been called Sheela na gig. A good translation has not been agreed upon. I think that sacred spirit of the vulva may do. So, I say, that to the meaning of shee may be added "sacred." 
                In Wikipedia it says that one of the best examples of these particular sheela was found in Round Tower at Rattoo, in County Kerry, Ireland.  

                At times the figures have been called witches, hags, exhibitionists, and less complimentary things.

                Some of the sculptings seem to have been moved from their original sites to be incorporated into older church buildings.
                There is an old Irish dance, the Sheela na gig. According to Wikipedia the oldest written record of this phrase is as the name of this particular dance. That mention dates back only to the mid 1700s. 

                There is a myth known in Ireland an beyond of a goddess who grants kingship. She might appear at a dance as a lustful old hag and most men would avoid her and refuse her advances. The one man who did sleep with her, found her transformed into a beautiful maiden who conferred royalty upon  and blessed his reign.

                Some Irish lads are taken by a good tale and their are some tricky old ladies on the island.

                Thanks for reading.


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